Insect pests, chemical ecology, semiochemicals, pheromones, integrated pest management
- at the farm level and its immediate surroundings
Our group (RUBAM, Research on Bioactive Molecules) is seeking collaborative partners for joining theme 1: Enhancing agrooecology at the farm level”. RUBAM has a multidisciplinary profile, and among its multiple research lines, one is focused on the chemical ecology of pest insects, especifically on the identification of semiochemicals for designing novel control strategies for pest insects of agro-forestry interest. Diverse aspects related with the study of the chemical ecology of insects are conducted in our group, from structural characterization, synthesis and the establishment of their biological activity in the laboratory and in the field. Within the topic framework, RUBAM may contribute in the development of novel tools for protecting crop systems from pests insects and diseases they may transmit, favouring a better agroecological farming scenario.
The Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC) is one of the research centers of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The Institute is located in Barcelona and it was created in 2007 with the mission to perform research of excellence in Chemical Sciences with the broad goal of improving the quality of life. The general strategy to achieve this mission involves the application of chemical approaches to address and solve societal challenges, mainly those related to human health, the sustainability of chemical processes and products, and the needs for novel materials for different applications. Since its establishment, IQAC has been in a permanent attitude to transfer its knowledge and technology results to the industrial sector. The research developed at IQAC is organized around two main nodes: Biological Chemistry
and Nanobiotechnology and it is facilitated by a number of Key Enabling Technologies. Considering the objectives pursued, many of the investigations carried out by the Research Groups at IQAC lie at the intersection between nodes. In addition, our Institute holds a set of scientific and technical facilities run by highly qualified scientists and technical personnel with a solid background and long lasting expertise. These facilities are available not only to IQAC research groups, but also to potential users from both academia and private institutions. In any case, the technical services from IQAC are always wide open to attend any inquiry and to offer their best efforts to find adequate responses to specific needs.