participatory research, barriers and levers to change, coupled innovation, innovation tracking, innovation codesign, agrifood system
- at the farm level and its immediate surroundings
I offer my expertise in multidisciplinary research with a multi-actor perspective, including on-farm innovation tracking and analysis, as well as co-design, co-evaluation and co-implementation of context-adapted innovations. The systemic nature of agroecological systems makes them difficult to capture in classical experiments. I work directly with territorial or value chain stakeholders in the agri-food system to understand barriers and levers to the implementation of agroecological systems, characterize existing innovation in similar contexts and use this knowledge to co-design context-relevant innovation for the given territory/value-chain.
I am an independent agronomist, researcher, consultant and farmer with a focus on supporting the transition to agroecological / regenerative farming systems. I have experience with arable crops, vegetable crops and agroforestry. My Ph.D. thesis, completed in 2021, focused on (1) understanding barriers and levers to transition from field to agrifood system level, (2) tracking innovations at the French national level for inspiration, (3) co-designing context-adapted innovations with multiple stakeholders (farmers, scientists from different disciplines, extension services, upstream and downstream agribusinesses, regional authorities) using the knowledge from (1), (2) through innovative facilitation methods.
Since my Ph.D., I have been teaching, coordinating expertise and supporting farmers' collectives and companies in their transition, as well as managing the transition of my partner's family farm.
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