NPPC - Soil Science and Conservation Research Institute has expertise and can contribute in assessment of ecosystem services and their changes at selected sites of different climate and soil conditions using individual ecosystem services indicators and multicomposite indicator; supply respiration parameter (characterizes a microbial environment and carbon sequestration) to the set of indicators; erosion evaluation and design of anti-erosion measures in a selected landscape, etc.
NPPC is a unique research organization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural development covering four research institutes, experimental facilities, and laboratories. NPPC provides comprehensive research in the field of sustainable use and protection of natural, especially soil resources and water for plant and animal husbandry, ensuring quality, safety, innovation and competitiveness of food and non-food products of agricultural origin, impact of agriculture on the environment and rural development, and knowledge transfer into practice.
Expertise of NPPC research institutes: regional research experience on agro-ecosystems; soil GIS systems; biodiversity and ecosystem services; Plant Gene Bank of Slovakia; Centre for animal genetic resources; food and feed quality labs, food and feed composition databases; intensive and extensive production systems; economic modelling and analyses and efficient network with national stakeholders in agro-food sector, etc.