Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices
LAMMC is interested in joining the consortium as a partner, offering our expertise in field experiments. We can conduct a wide range of experiments with various crops and soil types. Additionally, we provide remote monitoring capabilities, including UAV-based multispectral and hyperspectral data, for predicting both crop and soil indicators. We also bring expertise in crop modeling, including modeling potential yield and its reduction due to environmental factors.
The Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LAMMC) comprises three main institutes and five regional branches, representing Lithuania's diverse agroclimatic regions characterized by contrasting weather and soil conditions. The center employs approximately 500 staff members, nearly half of whom are researchers. LAMMC's expertise spans soil science and agrochemistry, management of arable crops and grass production, agroecology, remote sensing, and crop modeling. The center has a long-standing tradition of consulting farmers, organizing field days and demonstration trials, and collaborating with advisory services, SMEs, and decision-makers.