policy analysis, impact analysis, agricultural productivity, green transition
Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices
Dear Project Team,
I am a professor of economics at the Faculty of Managerial Sciences, Bogazici University, Istanbul. My area of expertise is the economics of energy, environment, and resources. Recently, I have been working on just energy transitions and climate change impacts on agricultural productivity. I have a paper on the impacts of climate change on olive yield in Turkiye, which is currently under review in the Global Environment journal.
Besides, I was previously engaged in a relevant WWF project on agroecology and contributed to a report titled "A Roadmap for Just Transition on the Road to Net Zero Emissions", which entails the implications of investments in agroecology, among other investments, for a green economy transition in Turkiye. I will summarize here the results from my input-output analysis in that report that might be relevant to the project: "In the scenario analyzed using IO (Input-Output) analysis, an agricultural investment of 1.6 billion USD (in 2018 prices) could create a total of 731,665 jobs, with 706,345 of these in the agriculture sector itself and the remainder in other sectors. If the same level of investment were made in agroecological farming instead of conventional farming, how much employment could be generated, and what would the greenhouse gas emissions be?: Based on calculations using data from the Rodale Institute (2022), organic farming could have created 219,500 more jobs compared to conventional farming with the same investment in Turkiye. Additionally, organic farming could have resulted in 4.2 million tons less greenhouse gas emissions, and the energy input costs in organic farming would have been 0.8 billion TRY lower than those in conventional farming" (Avcı, D., Acar, S., Adaman, F., Uncu, B.A. (2022). "A Roadmap for Just Transition on the Road to Net Zero Emissions".)
In line with this background and using my expertise, I can contribute to the current project as a researcher.
Best regards,
Prof. Sevil Acar
Bogazici University, Istanbul/TURKIYE
Founded in 1863, as Robert College, Boğaziçi University is the first American higher education institution founded outside the United States. Though under entirely Turkish administration today, the university still maintains strong ties to the American educational system. It has six faculties offering undergraduate degrees and six institutes offering graduate degrees. The language of instruction is English. Kindly visit https://bogazici.edu.tr/ for further detail.