Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices
We are specialists in conducting socioeconomic analyses within the agricultural sector, focusing on the impacts of agricultural policies and practices at the farm, market, and societal levels. Over the past few years, we have increasingly concentrated on agroecology, particularly in the Global South, and more recently, within the European context.
Despite growing interest in agroecology, we see a significant gap in understanding its socioeconomic impacts across diverse contexts. This is especially true for ex-post assessments—studies that evaluate the outcomes after a certain time of implementation—compared to the more common forward-looking projections based on estimates.
With our expertise, we aim to bridge this gap by partnering with institutions interested in testing agroecological tools and practices or requiring socioeconomic assessments to complement their research projects.
HFFA Research GmbH is a science-based consultancy committed to contributing to innovative solutions in the agricultural and food sectors that balance economic and ecological interests. We drive and support change processes through objective research and data-driven analysis.
With clear, accessible knowledge, we empower our clients from the private, public and non-profit sectors to make well-informed decisions, fostering sustainable solutions for today’s complex challenges. Our services include tailored quantitative and qualitative analyses, based on advanced agricultural and environmental economic models and tools.
Based on our 10 years’ experience in conducting more than 100 scientific projects in over 50 countries, our mission is not only to answer our clients' questions but also to harmonize conflicting goals whenever they arise. Everything we do aims at contributing to the transformation towards an efficient, fair, and sustainable food system.
To equip each project with the right expertise, we work with a global network of experts and partners from different scientific disciplines.
We have proven track record in European and multi-stakeholder projects.