Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices
We are planning to establish collaborations to determine the benefits of agroecology in terms of all factors by ensuring the transition to agroecological methods in lands where conventional agriculture has been practiced for a long time.
Aegean Agricultural Research Institute (AARI) which ensures the conservation and use of genetic resources in particular, aims to be an internationally recognized research institute by producing solutions to national and global agricultural and natural problems, primarily at the regional level; carrying out projects in collaboration with country-region organizations and research institutes; reporting the results by educational- extensional activities and scientific publications at national and international level and consulting applications at the application stage; carrying out projects especially on plant genetic resources, developing cultivars with high yield, high quality and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress conditions.
AARI has:
• Long history with wide research culture and infrastructure.
• In addition to a total of 100 technical staff who are Associate Professor (1), Ph.D. (36), M.Sc. (48) and undergraduate (15) and 113 administrative staff.
• The high potential of researchers to develop new projects and their devoted work.
• The capacity of the National Gene Bank, which provides services at international standards, is sufficient for short, medium and long-term preservation.
• Rich collection of plant genetic resources.
• Establishment of production/renewal greenhouses for the production/renewal material preserved in the National Gene Bank.
• There is an interactive continuity in research and variety development since the institute and the gene bank are together, the researchers' level of awareness and preservation of genetic resources are high.
• Meeting Hall for training and awareness activities.
• Enough areas for field trials.
• The varieties developed by the Institute are of the quality to meet the needs of farmers and the market.
• The climate and soil structure of the region is suitable and alternative for product diversity and possible innovative products, the producers in the Institute's responsibility area follow innovation, and they are open to entrepreneurship.