Transform value chains, businesses and policies to facilitate the transition to agroecology
Kayseri seker aims at sustainability in agriculture with projects such as zero waste target agriculture researches, digital agriculture, productivity-enhancing projects, breeding studies, pesticides-biopesticides, fertilisers, nano formulations, early detection of leaf disease with image processing and food additives production. Kayseri seker continues to work on artificial intelligence, robotics and image processing by adapting the Agriculture 4.0 model to sugar beet agriculture.
We are open to the development of projects in the areas of Topic 1 and Topic 2 within the context of Agroecology, beyond the scope of existing research.
Kayseri Seker is a farmer’s organization that perfoms contracted sugar beet farming approximately 15.000 farmers within the provinces of 6 cities in Türkiye on an average of 50.000 hectares of area.Kayseri Şeker is organization a leader in Innovation and sustainability in agriculture. It is the only company in the sector that holds 3 factories and meets 17% of country’s sugar consumption. Kayseri Seker has 7 affiliates including marketing (PanPa), domestic and international road transport service (Panpet), producing sacks (Pankent), cattle farm (Pandoğa), solar energy systems (PanEnerji), licensed warehousing (Lidaş) and insurance services (Kayseri Şeker Sigorta). Kayseri Sugar has the first R&D Center in the Turkish sugar industry and Kayseri. It carries out innovative projects with its multidisciplinary workforce. The projects and research are carried out within the Kayseri Şeker R&D Center via the fields of seed improvement, agricultural spraying and fertilization applications, pesticides-biopesticides, fertilisers, nano formulations, early detection of leaf disease with image processing, smart agriculture, good agriculture, agriculture-technological research, process improvement, biotechnology, food additives production, sustainable waste management, and the production of energy and bio products from sources like biomass, biogas and solar energy.