Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices
We would like to be invovled in a project focusing on "Topic 1: Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices".
We can provide assessment of the economic, environmental and social sustainability by the application of Life Cycle Thinking approach as well as of multicriteria decision analysis and scenario analysis both at farm and regional level.
Our main expertise about LCA, LCC and SLCA application is about arable crops (rice, maize and winter cereals) and livestock systems (dairy & pig but also aquaculture)
UNIMI (university of Milan) is a public italian university located in North Italy in the middle of Po valley area.
The UNIMI research group has specific skills on agricultural engineering and livestock sectors as well as in sustainability assessment. UNIMI-ESP has specific skills and instrumental resources (e.g., commercial software - Simapro® and others - specifically developed for LCA studies) for impact assessment.