Maximising project impact, Business Models, Dissemination, Communication, Clustering, Stakeholder engagement
Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices
STRATAGEM is and SME from Cyprus interested to support consortium willing to submit a proposal under AGROECOLOGY call, with its expertise in Innovation Management (Business Models & Plans, Exploitation Strategies, Go-to-Market Strategies), and Dissemination/Communication expertise and experience (including Clustering and targeted Stakeholder Engagement) , assisting in Maximizing the Project's Impact.
STRATAGEM is already participating in a project funded already under AGROECOLOGY Call 1, leading above mentioned roles.
STRATAGEM is a valuable, experienced partners in EU research proposals and projects, able to assist and add value to a good consortium, proposal and project as it offers expertise and can lead roles on many horizontal aspects of an EU funded project like:
• Sustainability& Environmental assessments, Life cycle Analysis (LCA) and assessment (including the Environmental LCA, Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCC) and social LCA (s-LCA)), Energy action plans, sustainable urban mobility & freight logistics plans.
• Measure Evaluation plans & Assessments.
• Innovation Management including IPs mapping and IPR management.
• Business plans & Innovative Business models creation, Ecosystem model creation and management, Commercialisation activities, Go-To-Market strategies, Replication plans, Standardisation.
• Community engagement (Academia, Industrial, Social, Ecosystems, etc).
• Dissemination, Exploitation, Communication (creating and leading the “Branding” of a European funded project)
The current team of STRATAGEM is comprised by experienced technical staff, project managers and innovation managers. The main team members have been dealing with European Research project (FP7 and H2020 mainly) since 2011, having already participated in numerous proposals and having implemented projects under FP7, H2020, Interreg, Erasmus and Horizon EUROPE projects on various sectors. During the present period, we are participating in 11 HORIZON EUROPE, 5 HORIZON 2020 projects, 1 Interreg EURO MED and 1 EUROSTARS/EUREKA leading Work Packages and Tasks relevant to the above mentioned expertise.
Finally, STRATAGEM is in close collaboration with various institutions spread all over Europe, having already an established & growing Network of quality partners with which we would be happy to support you and bring you in contact if needed like:
1. Municipalities
2. Heavy Industrial and infrastructure partners (Public and Private),
3. Research Institutes (Public and Private),
4. Universities (Public and Private) with strong R&D presence,
5. Research Intensive SMEs,
6. Large enterprises with strong R&D departments,
7. Ministries,
8. Communities,
9. NGOs etc.