Research; governance structures; Living Labs; blockchain case studies; socio-economic transition
Transform value chains, businesses and policies to facilitate the transition to agroecology
Can support:
-Improved socio-economic and environmental outcomes through agroecological approaches.
-Strengthened science-policy interfaces to accelerate the transition to agroecology.
-conceptulise novel governance structures grounded by holistically sustainable practices
-conceptulise and research short supply chains with blockchain scenarios and case studies
-experienced living lab founder and collaborator
-Map and optimize value chains
-co-authoring scientific publications
A Danish SME, independent research and professional services.
SystemsResearch is a unique think-tank dedicated to advancing societal change through systems thinking and transdisciplinary research. Facilitating a multi-actor approach, complimented by broad academic and ‘real-world’ experience, SystemsResearch tailors solutions so complex, systemic challenges.