Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices
We are interested in joining a consortium focused on Topic 1: Determine and assess benefits/impacts and trade-offs of agroecology, and identify best practices.
Our expertise in Agrivoltaics (Agro-Photovoltaic systems) positions us to make valuable contributions to the proposal. With extensive experience in ray-tracing simulations, design optimization, and the development of customized agrivoltaic models, we are well-equipped to support the project's objectives. Furthermore, we can provide assistance in conducting on-site meteorological and environmental measurements, conducting data analyses, and contributing to scientific writing efforts.
The Institute of Solar Research focuses on the harnessing of solar power on Earth. We develop, test and optimise innovative technologies to use concentrating solar thermal systems not only to generate electricity, but also to provide heat and fuels. Our research also focuses on condition monitoring and quality assurance of solar thermal power plants and photovoltaic systems, solar energy meteorology and energy-related building assessment. Our overall aim is to contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy and the reduction of fossil fuels through the use of solar energy.
Specifically , the qualification department focus is on the continuous optimisation of the operation and maintenance of solar thermal power plants and photovoltaic systems. We develop advanced measurement methods and systems to analyse and evaluate solar components, systems and meteorological factors in detail. Among our competences, we can highlight the following ones related to the scope of the call:
- Provision of meteorological data to support implementation at suitable locations and to optimise operation and maintenance.
- Development of models for the simultaneous utilisation of land for agriculture and solar energy generation.